12900 Ali Ghan Rd NE, Cumberland, MD  21502

​Phone:  301-724-6575   Fax:  301-722-6028 

Day or Night, Rain or Shine

​We'll have it repaired in no time!

Service & Installation

Heating Cooling

Service, Installation, & Parts Sales

Service: Willison Oil provides service for oil furnaces, heat pumps, air conditioners, and oil tank storage systems.
Installations: Willison Oil installs oil and gas furnaces, heat pumps, air conditioners, and oil tanks.
Willison Oil is proud to continue servicing what we install!
Part Sales: Willison Oil will sell parts to customers at the office location on Ali Ghan Rd.
(No returns on electrical parts and no warranty on parts not installed by Willison Oil technicians.)

We are proud to feature these superior brands:

Service Pricing

Regular Hours Service Call - $75/hour, minimum 1 hour + parts
Yearly Furnace Cleaning or Air Conditioning Service - $95/hour, minimum 1 hour + parts
After Hours Service - $95/hour, minimum 1 hour + parts
Tank Installation/Pump Outs - $95/man hour + parts

We sell parts from the office--our helpful staff is standing by!

How clean is the air you breathe?  

Check out how your home stacks up with the Honeywell Indoor Air Quality Test!